A P&C is a school-based organisation consisting of parents and interested citizens. At Ocean Road Primary School, our P&C works with the school to support our students. The P&C operate our canteen, fundraise and donate funds to the school from such events as the Father’s/Mother’s day stalls and Easter raffles. The school uses this fundraising to purchase equipment and resources, and towards playground upgrades and school camp.
There are a number of ways that you can support your child’s school. This can include attending P&C Meetings, volunteering for the Canteen, and volunteering at P&C fundraising events (this is a great way to meet new people as well as learning about our school routines and community). For information about how to volunteer, please see the front office for volunteer forms.
Our canteen operates 5 days a week and follows the ‘traffic light’ system introduced by the WA government in 2007, where ‘red’ foods (fried foods, lollies etc.) are banned, ‘amber’ foods (low-fat baked goods, icypoles etc.) are limited and the majority of food offered is ‘green’ or healthy choices such as sandwiches, fruit etc.
Without parents volunteering, the P&C that does so much for our school would not exist.
We meet 1-2 times a term to discuss, organise and plan future fundraising events and learn about school development. We have a family friendly environment for meetings, and parents are welcome to bring their children to the meetings.
P&C Notifications of meeting times are sent out via the school social media pages.
We look forward to seeing new and existing members at our meetings.
Volunteers that would like more information please email orpspandc@yahoo.com.au
Ocean Road Primary School P&C Committee
President | Amanda Dawe |
Vice President | Kasha Miles |
Secretary | Bianca Duggan |
Treasurer | Bianca Duggan |
Canteen Manager | Leah Wittorff |