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Year 6 Camp 2024

Our Year 6 students enjoyed three days this Term at Serpentine Camping Centre. Every student who attended displayed the resilience to make it to the end, something we’re very proud of.



On Camp I liked the basketball courts and how we were allowed to play on the courts so much. I also enjoyed the rock climbing and crate climbing. I disliked the lack of sleep and the constant rain. I was surprised at how fun it was and how much we got to do. I was bummed that we were not allowed to do archery, but laser tag made it up to me. The food was pretty good, but the apple juice always ran out super quickly.


When I went to camp I had so much fun climbing the milk crates. It was also fun ding dong ditching other dorms. The rock climbing was fun but I kept slipping and thought I would fall all the way down. The gym was so big and a lot of basketballs, the ping pong was hard but a lot more fun with two people on each side. For breakfast I had cereal and the cereal I had was nutri-grain and 2 pieces of jam on toast, the food was so yummy. Spotlight was fun, I had the best hiding spot and the laser tag was fun. I fell over a few times and I shot a lot of people, I got 34 kills. The dorms were clean. We stayed up so late. Camp was the Best.


On camp what I loved the most was probably the activities and food. The activities were really fun and the food was just amazing and it tasted really good. My most favourite activity was probably milk crate stacking because we got to kick them over. My favourite meal that we got was breakfast and dessert on Thursday night. The thing I hated most was when I was trying to sleep and someone kept banging on the window.


My favourite memory at camp was hanging out with my friends and gossiping with them!  We always laughed because every time I ran or walked, I would slip. Every time I would walk in the dorm, I would slip every step I took. We stayed at camp for 3 days and 2 nights and did activities like lost pilot, laser tag, milk crate climbing, rock climbing, low ropes and challenge course. My favourite activities would probably be laser tag and milk crate climbing that the kind and hardworking workers made for us. I had lovely people in my dorm and by the end we made sure we had our dorm spic and spam so the workers didn’t have much to do. Overall I loved camp and getting extra time to hang out with my friends. I loved the workers and how they were so kind and I love CAMP!!


When I went to camp, I was anxious when Mrs Briggs was calling out the people in our dorm but when I heard Dexter’s name for dorm eight and I knew we were in the same dorm. My favourite thing at camp was laser tag, rock climbing, lost pilot but he best was crate climbing. I did not like it at bedtime cause William was cray cray because he was shining the flashlight at us. But overall camp at Serpentine was good.


Camp was so fun, we were there for three days and two nights. My favourite activities were rock climbing and laser tag. We made so many memories but my favourite was ding dong ditching. Everyone and especially Eden slipped over basically every time we ran. The food was so so so good. I don’t know how they made all that delicious food. In the three days, two nights we did so many activities like lost pilot, laser tag, milk crate climb, rock climb, low ropes and challenge. Camp was so so so fun, Thank you.

Emily B.

Food: the food was alright. Breakfast was good. I liked the cereal especially nutri-grain with bananas. For morning tea it was good because it was fruit with a little snack like a cookie orcracker and cheese. Lunch we had hot dogs, gravy rolls and burgers. Afternoon tea was the same as morning tea, fruit and crackers. Dinner was yum, we had lasagne and garlic bread then enchiladas and chips. For dessert we had brownies, ice cream and cake. For supper we had cake, one had strawberry icing and one had mint. Dorms: I was in room 18 with Mac, Emily, Izzy, Ellie, Daisy and Ciarah. Activities: low ropes, teamwork challenges, lost pilot, laser tag, rock climbing and crate climbing and we did spotlight at night. I sat with Emily on the way there and back. Camp was so fun!


At camp I was in a dorm with my friends, it was really fun. I had the bottom bunk and I put towels/ blankets around so it was all closed off like a fort. My favourite challenge was either the rock climbing or crate stacking because it was oddly satisfying to just lean back on the harness when I fell. I liked when we all got snuggled up on bean bags and watched Hotel Transylvania even though I fell asleep midway. Everyone stayed up late the first night besides me because I fell asleep at 11pm and woke up the latest (8amish). The next night we stayed up late and ding dong ditched the other girls. I also wore a hoodie and pretended to be Autumn’s boyfriend. Overall the camp was really fun and I would rate it a maybe 8/10. It was exhausting but I enjoyed it. I’d go again but only if I was allowed to bring my phone. To the year 5’s for next year don’t start drama at camp. Also the showers were amazing, best part out of the entire camp yay. Food was great too.


At camp we did so many fun activities. The funniest thing that happened was probably when my friends and I were ding-dong ditching all the boys and some of the girls. The best memory was doing all the activities and hanging out with friends in our dorms. I guess it was also funny when my friends slipped over. I really liked the rock climbing and milk crate climbing. I was the champion rock climber and the ladder climber as well. We all went for 2 nights and 3 days. My favourite meal was beef and gravy roll but dessert was the best. All the workers were really nice during the activities. There was laser tag, lost pilot, rock climbing, milk crate climbing, low ropes and challenge course. We watched a movie called Hotel Transylvania and played spotlight at night. We also had supper on both nights and it was yummy cake that filled up my tummy.

Emily. H

Camp was really fun I loved the dorm and the people in it. Spotlight was very fun and I didn’t fall over. I was in Dorm 18 with Daisy, Emily, Izzy, Mac and Ciarah. The food was pretty good. Breakfast is my favourite meal and I had nutri-grain and toast. We had a lot of meals including breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, dessert and supper. There are a few things I didn’t like, one was rock climbing and crate climbing because I am very scared of heights but I got to 7 crates. The place was pretty big, but it was always raining and the grass was wet. Laser tag was pretty fun, but it was in the forest and the sticks spiked me. I was very tired after and slept in until 12.00. I sat next to Emily on the way there and back and we were playing tic tac toe, patty cake and don’t break the window. In the end it was really fun and can’t wait to go again.


I loved camp, it was really fun, there was a time where I wanted to go home but other than that it was amazing! I loved mainly all the activities but there is some I loved the most and some I didn’t like. I absolutely loved crate climbing because knocking the blocks over and lifting the blocks up when it was too tall to reach. Being on top was really scary, it seemed so high but it wasn’t that high. I made it up to 9 blocks up but then I was encouraged to climb onto one crate even though I didn’t want to and then I fell trying to get onto that one block. My other favourite was low ropes even though I flopped onto my butt a couple times it was still really fun. There were a couple of activities that I didn’t enjoy like, rock climbing, it was too tall and I got a seizure panic attack in my leg, but that was just me. And surprisingly I did NOT like laser tag. I struggled to shoot anyone, and I was too bored. The food was delicious, for morning tea on the first day we had bickies and an apple, for lunch we had a hamburger and for dinner we had some enchiladas and nachos, then ice cream with caramel syrup. While we were eating our dinner, we sang happy birthday to Louise since it was her birthday. On the second day for breakfast we had toast with cereal and peaches, for morning tea we had Arnott’s biscuits with an apple or mandarin and for lunch we had beef & gravy rolls. For afternoon tea we had an apple with le snack and for dinner we had lasagne, dessert was chocolate pudding with either whipped cream or ice cream. Halfway through watching Hotel Transylvania we had some more cake. On the last day we had the same breakfast and morning tea.


At 9:00 we left to go to camp for 3 days. Then after we got off the bus at Serpentine, we all waited until we got our dorms. After we had recess and set up our beds (it was a little bit hard) I was played football outside and then after everyone was outside in a group, getting ready for our activity groups I got my group. I was in Mr Freshwaters group and the first activity was low ropes. It was so fun on the first day and then we did one more after. For lunch I had hamburgers it was delicious and after lunch I went to the dorms, some hours later we had dinner which was nachos, it was good. Then at night we had spotlight. I loved being it, I found lots of people.

Day 2

In the morning it was very loud in my dorm because everyone was yelling or screaming, then it was breakfast. I had jam on toast and water, then I went back to my dorm. I went to play mini golf, I got the hard ones in one go, it was very lucky. At activity time I had rock climbing and milk crate climbing. At rock climbing I did the easy one, it was scary I made it up half way, then Mr Freshwater said if you bang your helmet on the top you will get a zappo. I did it again and I made it to the top I was glad I made it, so I got a zappo it was delicious. Then I did the second easiest one and I got it, I mean nearly got it, it was scary. Then it was over for milk crate climbing. It was fun, my team got a 11 milk crates up. Then it was lunch and we had meat rolls and chips and after we had free time, it was chill and calm. Then we had lasagne for dinner, it was yum.

Day 3

On the last day of camp I woke up and packed up my bedding and had a shower. Then I had toast for breakfast. Then I ran and walked around talking to my friends. We had games near the low ropes while other people played laser tag. I was getting ready to play, then we went to our base. It was fine, I killed 22 players on the other team, then the other team won. Next we won, I got 32 kills. We got our stuff and had hotdogs for lunch then left.


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